Bala Vihar Show 2024
8th June 2024
The Hong Kong Chinmaya Mission hosted a captivating showcase that brought the timeless tales of the Ramayana to life. This special production featured a collection of plays, dances, and chanting performances meticulously prepared by the students of the mission's Bala Vihar classes.
Throughout the year, these young participants had been immersed in the study of the Ramayana. The showcase provided them with the opportunity to share their learnings and artistic talents with the community.
In addition to the live performance, the entire event was live-streamed on our YouTube channel, allowing wider audiences to tune in and experience this cultural and spiritual celebration. The recording remains available for viewers to revisit and can be accessed here! Watch it and leave a like and comment to let us know what you thought! Feel free to share the link with your friends!