Swamini Supriyananda
Runs the Hong Kong Chinmaya Mission Ashram
As a professional psychologist, a vivid storyteller, an insightful author and teacher, and a devoted Sanyasini (Hindu Monk), Swamini Supriyananda passionately leads the Chinmaya Mission in Hong Kong. By sharing the vision and knowledge of Vedanta, she devotedly enables the spread of the Chinmaya Mission’s ethos.

Having been inspired by Swami Chinmayananda’s teachings, Swamini Supriyananda quickly understood the capability and adaptability of this wisdom in solving modern-day problems. As such, she adopted a life of monastic living and service to the vision of her Guru and scriptures. In so doing, Swamini Supriyananda was able to whole-heartedly reach people from all walks of life.
Her work is a true testament to the aim of making knowledge readily available to everyone. By embracing modern technology and the prevalent use of social media, she founded a podcast, entitled ‘Thinking About It’, as well as an Instagram account. Through these platforms, she aptly concentrates on breaking down the Highest Truth in a more receptive manner, whilst simultaneously encapsulating all its profoundness, such that viewers are constantly drawn to the content.
Swamini Supriyananda nurtures the mind by providing food for thought to contemplate on. Her chosen medium may be words but it is the wisdom, warm-loving, and gentle nature behind them that leave individuals in awe and wanting more.